Saturday, July 28, 2007

right in front of me

You were there, right in front of me
and i didnt seize the chance
you were there, i was beside myself
and it started with a glance
The fears ive acquired from my past
more than ever, many doubts
but when i feel the slightest of your touches
i forget my whereabouts
The wind has snatched me up with it
and i know not my destination
but yet i lay my complete faith in it
without the simplest hesitation
On the air i can smell the night
its rather intoxicating
the sense stimulates memories of old
so joyful its almost excruciating
No earthquake, nor volcano, nor hurricane, nor blizzard
could distract me right now
the incandescence that shows in my expression
is only a fraction of what i allow
Then the rain pours down on me to wash away
the doubts that tried to surface
and deep within the flame ignites
burning like a furnace
Do you feel it? burrowing out from somewhere
somewhere, deep within
i wasnt quite so sure before but now
i think its ready to begin

Thursday, July 26, 2007

when words fail me

suddenly moments go from serene to chaos
im relishing those simple nights listening to the Albatross
do forgive me, if i run out of things to say
but my thoughts never cease to speak, they are relentless that way
forget, yes i forget my surroundings sometimes
but it helps me endure with each step i climb
those beautifully spun tapestries that are your words
leave me in raptures i cannot defer
what do i have left to say that hasn't already been spoken?
i offer you this in exchange: a vow never to be broken
worn and weathered it may become, but it will outlast me
but i promise at your side i will eternally be.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

darling, stay

im afraid im not doing too well
in fact im feeling quite sickly
something unexpected inside of me swells
like the rush when ive stood up too quickly
i dote on it still, the source of sensation
starting in my stomach and navigating through my veins
burning and building, void of destination
wreckless and steadfast, momentum it gains
i call for the doctor who is quick to respond
he evaluates my symptons picking up haste
with concerned eyes he says, "this is further beyond
any before that ive treated of this all-consuming case."
i cannot concieve this, "what is the cure?!"
for my body is usless, i need some relief
into his results he dives, "i cannot be sure,
you're love sick dear..." yet he's stricken with grief
"there is nothing i can do to ease your poor heart
thats been beating so fast these last few hours."
one last handshake and the doctor departs
but he recommends a nap or perhaps a cold shower
now i know my diagnosis, and its sure to persist
and no pills or drink will help settle my nerves
but i do not regret engaging this strong catalyst
because i have a desire to cater to what the heart deserves

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

two for the price of one

your hands are warm and fit like gloves
your smile full of sheep, your eyes are doves
ive had many dreams of you, for honesty's sake
for i slept but my heart was awake!
hear my words, there is nothing more devout
your name is like perfume poured out
words do not suffice to pay homage to your name
it is a bursting through the dam, or like that mighty flame
but there's no rush, no need for me to quicken what transpires
do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.

you might recognize some of the lines in this one, they are from Song of Songs. one of my fav books to read, i must say.

the veins in my hand are pumping because of you
without you here i would be a statue
the words in my mouth are only there because you exist
and the thoughts behind them cannot be dismissed
the pen in my hand only writes to please you
i needed something to hold these words together and you're the glue.
my heart beats only to songs about you
burns me up with a feeling i couldn't have construed
my eyes adore only because you are a vision to behold
before i could not see, but you have removed my blindfold
my ears hear only because you have music in your words
sweeter than the honey-coated melody of the songbirds

i took a piece i wrote awhile ago and warped it and extended it, and cleaned it up a bit, if i do say so myself.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

We Could Be Heroes

this was written watching moulin rouge (my fav movie of all time). and i did have fun writing this one.

my hopes are sincere, and this won't take long
back and forth under the shades of the windmill
day and night, it's a rollercoaster thrill
its an enchanting correspondance
void of any doubt or decadence
and with it, no feelings of wrong
im not used to such incantations
or such lovely allegations
captivated by the words you say
no longer humming "one day i'll fly away"
and in the company and comfort of the night
i might be persuaded to put off that red light
under the suspicion of Zeidler, there is truth
but i have so much still to give, in my youth
suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
i know this as truth when i see your face
a courtesan and citar man are an unlikely pair
and some won't understand their level of affair
but the future is uncertain, what if i become ill?
would you tell our story from the typewriter on the sill
and what will that magical citar say?
when the time is right, it speaks "come what may"

Monday, July 9, 2007

one day

i will write a song that has all the right words
and maybe when you hear it, you will return
i can't shake this feeling that i haven't said enough
but i tiptoe in eggshells and this whole subtlety part is rough
im not gonna lie, i do get excited about little things here and there
and other times i daydream, while i twirl my hair
it is silly and convenient, and childish for sure
but for the drug you've hooked me on, im afraid there's no cure
if you could see me right now, and look into my face
not a word would be spoken, just a sweet embrace
all these nights ive imagined if there are things i'll regret
but i can allegiantly say, you i can never forget
and for now, who's to say if my feelings are true
all i know is that it has come down to you.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

the things He must break

i lie in bed, my face sopping wet.
remembering all the things i tried to forget.
im out of this coma, resusitated at last
but still not knowing what to think of the time thats past
what was i doing while i was asleep?
i'll get rid of the useless thoughts, but what's left to keep?
it's a shock to the system, this sudden awake
its amazing how God loves the things He must break
the pieces of me, now strewn about on the floor
i'll lie still and helpless, so He can fix me once more.

Friday, July 6, 2007

somewhere, someday

its small, this window
but i stare out of it everyday
so many wonders on the other side
and i pray everything will be okay
my fingers grip the window sill
and hours later in asleep against the pane
don't try to tear me away from here
i wouldnt mind, if one day i do go insane
its a risk im willing to take
ive made myself comfortable, here in the light
but even better, i must confess
are the sights and sounds at night
the symphonies of nightingales
dance around my ears on the air
free from pens that cage them in
with a beauty unrivaled and rare
and the dreams i get, oh the dreams
could fill a library full of books
i tried to steal your heart before
but turned out to be a lousy crook
alas, i sit idle at this window
still dreaming of the days to be
is there still a hope for love that lasts
somewhere, someday, for you and me

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

oh, the rain

i love it when it rains,
it captivates me,
always more than i expect,
til i almost cant breathe.
it stimulates my senses
but its calming at the same time
i can never capture how i feel
i love playing this game.
the way it taps, like it's trying to say
that its always here for me
and it was so simple, we could be together
if we just choose to be.
dont be afraid of what happens next
come on in, i've been waiting for you
it feels like a dream most of the time
but believe it, this could be true

Sunday, July 1, 2007

ohwell, you've got me under your spell

i think we say the most when we don't say anything at all
we speak with our arms and talk with our hands

its a race to embrace
we continually erase
all the worries in our mind
at that moment in time

like being drenched in cold water, im brought back to myself.
to you i will return someday, but for now it's getting late.
dont go. its not that i wnat to be alone.
i just want to make sure this feels like home.

not like a vacation
i've built up anticipation
and now finally
it's really happening

and i dont want to give it all away in one night
maybe you'll see soon, its more than meets the eye.

its about patience. i dont know what else to say really. of course all my poems and songs (ha) mirror the emotions im feeling at the moment. but emotions are just that, fleeting. its unfortunate that patience can be so fleeting as well. when you want to do something right now, becasue you know it would make you happy, and you can hold off for a little bit, but the more you wait, the harder it gets, you know? ahhh, but i need to rely on God. He knows whats best for me anyways.
pray for patience