Thursday, July 19, 2007

darling, stay

im afraid im not doing too well
in fact im feeling quite sickly
something unexpected inside of me swells
like the rush when ive stood up too quickly
i dote on it still, the source of sensation
starting in my stomach and navigating through my veins
burning and building, void of destination
wreckless and steadfast, momentum it gains
i call for the doctor who is quick to respond
he evaluates my symptons picking up haste
with concerned eyes he says, "this is further beyond
any before that ive treated of this all-consuming case."
i cannot concieve this, "what is the cure?!"
for my body is usless, i need some relief
into his results he dives, "i cannot be sure,
you're love sick dear..." yet he's stricken with grief
"there is nothing i can do to ease your poor heart
thats been beating so fast these last few hours."
one last handshake and the doctor departs
but he recommends a nap or perhaps a cold shower
now i know my diagnosis, and its sure to persist
and no pills or drink will help settle my nerves
but i do not regret engaging this strong catalyst
because i have a desire to cater to what the heart deserves

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